Coping with the Mental Health Impact of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike In Los Angeles

a woman wearing a black shirt and jean shorts and sneakers holds a picket sign for the SAG-AFTRA strike in los angeles representing someone whose mental health is impacted by the los angeles writers strike and benefits from teletherapy

The WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike has unleashed a wave of uncertainty and stress in Los Angeles. Artists are grappling with mental health challenges unique to the city's vibrant artistic scene. From constant uncertainty to financial strain and a loss of identity, the impact is profound. It is crucial for artists in Los Angeles to prioritize their mental health.

Los Angeles is a city where dreams are made. They're also shattered in the blink of an eye. The glamour of the industry often masks the unique mental health challenges faced by those who call Los Angeles home. The SAG-AFTRA strike has intensified these challenges to an alarming degree. Let's delve into the intersection of the entertainment industry and mental health in the context of the SAG-AFTRA strike. We'll also provide strategies for coping.

Understanding the Mental Health Impact Of The Strike In Los Angeles

Constant Uncertainty

The WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike has plunged the entertainment industry into a state of constant uncertainty in Los Angeles. For artists, this means not knowing when their next paycheck will come, if at all. This uncertainty can lead to anxiety, sleep disturbances, and a feeling of powerlessness. The uncertainty is reminiscent of the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when no one knew what was to come. Having these back-to-back upheavals can be deeply unsettling for Los Angeles artists. The stress compounds on one another.

Financial Strain in the City of Dreams

a woman in a beige sweater sitting in her living room looking sad while looking for jobs in the newspaper representing a writer who is out of work due to the writers strike in los angles and someone who would benefit from online therapy

As the strike prolongs, financial strain intensifies in Los Angeles. Artists who rely on their craft for their livelihood are left without their primary source of income. Mounting bills and the pressure to meet basic needs can lead to significant stress and a sense of hopelessness.

Identity Crisis in the Heart of Entertainment

For many artists in Los Angeles, their profession is not a job; it's their identity. By disrupting their ability to perform and create, the SAG-AFTRA strike can lead to a loss of purpose and identity crisis. An identity crisis can have profound effects on mental well-being.

Strained Relationships in the City of Angels

Financial instability and uncertainty can strain personal relationships in Los Angeles. Artists may find themselves unable to fulfill familial or social obligations. This often leads to feelings of guilt and isolation. Relationship stress further compounds their mental health struggles. Between partners, financial strain and unstructured time lead to intensified conflict.

Strategies for Coping with the Mental Health Impact Of The WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strike In Los Angeles

Acknowledging Emotions

The first step in coping with the mental health impact of the strike is acknowledging one's emotions. It's okay to feel anxious, frustrated, or scared. Emotions are valid responses to challenging circumstances. They're also not emergencies that need to be acted upon right away.

Community Support

Artists should reach out to their peers who are also navigating the strike. Sharing experiences and coping strategies with others in the same boat can be comforting and empowering. It's all too easy to stay home and wallow. But connection with others is the best protection for our mental health.

Leave The House Every Day And Explore Los Angeles

Yes, every day. It doesn't need to be a big adventure or production. Even a ten-minute walk will have a positive impact. Moving your body and changing your environment is a free and reliable way to improve mood. It also reconnects you with the beauty and diversity of this city.

Using COVID's Learnings

Many Angelenos feel like we're just emotionally recovering from the pandemic. We should use what we learned during the initial lockdowns to help us get through the strike. Don't put pressure on yourself to "be productive." Stay connected in a way that feels manageable and safe. Practice good self-care and mindfulness. Find joy in simple, achievable things.

Financial Planning

While the strike continues, it's crucial to develop a financial plan. This plan should include budgeting and exploring alternative income sources. Your community likely has resources and financial advice to weather the financial storm.

a view of the hollywood sign in los angeles framed by palm trees representing a city whose mental health is impact by the writers strike in los angeles and the hope offered by online therapy

Self-Care As Priority

Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity during these challenging times. Artists must prioritize self-care practices that promote mental and emotional well-being. These practices can include exercise, mindfulness, and maintaining a healthy routine. Be sure you are eating regular meals and attending to personal hygiene.

Seeking Professional Help

The strike has placed a tremendous burden on the mental health of artists in Los Angeles. Seeking the help of a therapist who understands the industry can be a lifeline. Therapy provides a safe space to express emotions and learn coping strategies. Many therapist training facilities in Los Angeles offer sliding scale services. If you'd like to be connected to one, let us know!

Seeking Therapy In Los Angeles: A Vital Path to Healing

Therapy can be a lifeline for artists grappling with the mental health impact of the strike. Here are some reasons why seeking therapy is essential during these challenging times:

Validation and Support

Therapists provide emotional support for artists as they navigate emotions brought on by the strike. This support can help alleviate feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

Coping Strategies

Therapists help clients develop coping strategies tailored to the specific challenges they face. This is particularly important in the context of the strike.

Resilience Building

With the guidance of therapy, artists can build emotional resilience. Resilience enables us to face the uncertainty and stress of the strike with greater strength and adaptability.

Personal Growth

Therapy offers a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. It allows artists to explore their aspirations, fears, and motivations. Therapy can help them redefine their sense of identity and purpose.

Addressing Relationship Strain

Therapy can also provide a space for artists to address relationship strain caused by financial instability and uncertainty. It helps people navigate the complexities of interpersonal dynamics during challenging times.


Seeking professional help, reaching out to their community, and practicing self-care are crucial for artists in Los Angeles. By addressing the mental health impact of the strike head-on, we can navigate this challenging period with resilience. This allows we to preserve our artistic passions and rebuild our lives once the strike ends.


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