5 Daily Habits For Lasting Love From Couples Therapists

a young couple laying in bed with one partner tapping the other's nose affectionately representing a happy couple after couples therapy in san francisco

Every couple encounters challenges on their journey together. The key to a thriving relationship often lies in the daily habits you cultivate. As couples therapists serving major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, we understand the importance of research in this area. In this article, we'll explore Gottman's Small Daily Habits and how they can improve your relationship.

Understanding the Gottman Method

Dr. John Gottman's work has revolutionized our understanding of relationships. His research has provided profound insights into what makes relationships flourish or falter. His method is built on a solid scientific foundation, and the findings have shaped the way couples therapists like us approach our work.

The Love Lab

Yes, it's a weird name. But Dr. John Gottman's Love Lab is nothing short of a marvel in the world of relationship science. Located at the University of Washington, this unassuming space is where some of the most profound discoveries about marriages and relationships have been made. Inside its walls, couples agreed to have their interactions observed and analyzed for two weeks at a time. Over years, this data shed light on what truly makes love thrive or wither.

With state-of-the-art technology, including heart rate monitors and video cameras, the Love Lab captured the intricate dance of emotions. It recorded conversations and non-verbal cues that occur between partners. This laboratory has been instrumental in unveiling the patterns and behaviors that predict the success or failure of relationships. In fact, the Gottmans could predict the fate of a relationship with 98% accuracy! This provide valuable insights that therapists luse to guide couples toward more fulfilling partnerships. The Love Lab is a testament to the power of meticulous observation and research in helping couples create lasting love.

What Gottman Found: The Power of Small Daily Habits

One of the beautiful aspects of Gottman's approach is its simplicity. It recognizes that it's not the grand gestures that sustain a relationship; it's the small, consistent acts of love and care. These daily habits, when practiced over time, build a strong foundation for lasting love.

Gottman identified the following core concepts for daily habits that predict relationship success:

1. Solid Love Maps

2. Regularly Expressed Gratitude

3. Daily Affection

4. Active Listening

5. Quality Time

Let's dig into these in more detail.

the backs of a young couple walking down a desert road carrying large backpacks talking to each other representing a happy couple who has learned how to build love maps through couples therapy los angeles

Daily Habit 1 For Lasting Love: Building Love Maps

At the heart of Gottman's approach is the concept of "building love maps." This foundational idea emphasizes the importance of truly knowing your partner. Love maps are the intricate knowledge you have about your partner's world—their dreams, fears, and aspirations. It's the mental map of their internal world.

Imagine it like this: Picture your partner's mind as a vast, uncharted territory. As a couple, your task is to explore and map this territory. Ask questions, listen actively, and show genuine interest in your partner's thoughts and feelings. For example, inquire about their day, their favorite childhood memories, or their dreams for the future. By doing so, you're strengthening the emotional connection and intimacy in your relationship.

Take time each day to learn something new about your partner. Share your own thoughts and experiences as well. By continually updating your love maps, you'll stay connected and engaged with each other's evolving inner worlds.

a young couple in summer clothing stop to study a map representing a couple who has learned to build love maps in couples therapy los angeles

How To Build Love Maps

  1. Ask Open-Ended Questions. Encourage your partner to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Ask open-ended questions like, "What are your dreams for the future?" or "How was your day?" These questions invite deeper, more meaningful responses.

  2. Active Listening: When your partner is sharing, listen attentively. Show that you're truly interested in what they're saying by making eye contact, nodding, and using verbal cues like "I see" or "Tell me more." Avoid interrupting or rushing to provide solutions. We'll talk more about this one in daily habit 4...

  3. Reflect on Past Conversations. Take time to reflect on previous conversations and what you've learned about each other. This can help reinforce your love maps by showing that you remember and value the information your partner shared.

  4. Share Your Own Experiences. Building love maps is a two-way street. Don't forget to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as well. Being open about your own life helps your partner understand you better, deepening the connection.

  5. Play the 20 Questions Game. Set aside time to play the "20 Questions" game. Each of you takes turns asking and answering questions about each other's likes, dislikes, childhood memories, and aspirations. It's a fun and interactive way to build your love maps.

  6. Date Nights. Regularly schedule date nights where the sole purpose is to connect and learn more about each other. During these dates, make a conscious effort to explore each other's thoughts and emotions.

  7. Keep a Relationship Journal. Consider maintaining a journal where you both write down your thoughts, experiences, and what you've learned about each other. This can serve as a tangible record of your growing love maps.

  8. Surprise and Delight. Surprise your partner by remembering something they've mentioned in the past, such as a favorite book or a cherished memory. It shows that you pay attention and care about the details.

  9. Seek Professional Guidance. If you find that your love maps need more significant attention, consider seeking couples therapy. Communication challenges in your relationship are solvable. A trained therapist can provide guidance and exercises to help you build stronger love maps.

Remember that building love maps is an ongoing process that requires effort and attention. By actively engaging with each other and continually learning about your partner's inner world, you'll deepen your emotional connection. Stronger emotional connections only strengthen your relationship.

a couple sitting on an unmade bed in a stylish loft with plants and a brick wall holding hands facing each other representing a couple who has learned to express gratitude in couples therapy san francisco

Daily Habit 2 For Lasting Love: Expressing Gratitude

Regularly express appreciation for your partner. Simple "thank yous" for the things they do can go a long way in making them feel valued and loved. Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to strengthen relationships and foster positivity. Here are five ways to express gratitude to your loved ones:

1. Verbal Acknowledgment: A simple, heartfelt "thank you" goes a long way. Express your gratitude directly by telling your partner how much you appreciate their actions, kindness, or presence in your life. Be specific about what you're thankful for to make it more meaningful.

2. Handwritten Notes: Sending a handwritten note or letter is a timeless and personal way to express gratitude. Take the time to put your thoughts on paper and express your appreciation. Whether it's for a gift, a favor, or their support, a handwritten note shows you've made an effort.

3. Acts of Kindness: Show your gratitude through your actions. Do something nice for the person you're thankful for. Whether it's preparing their favorite meal, helping them with a task, or surprising them with their favorite snack from the store. Actions often speak louder than words.

4. Quality Time: Spend quality time with the person you appreciate. Give them your undivided attention, engage in meaningful conversations, and create memorable experiences together. The gift of your time and presence can be a powerful way to express gratitude. We'll talk more about this in Daily Habit 5...

5. Public Recognition: In some situations, public recognition can be a meaningful way to express gratitude. Consider acknowledging your partner's contributions or acts of kindness in front of others, such as at a social event. Keep in mind your partner's preferences about public attention when considering this.

Remember that expressing gratitude is not just about the words you use but also about the sincerity behind your gestures. Choose the method that feels most natural and authentic to you, and make expressing gratitude a regular part of your interactions with loved ones.

two women with long brown hair wearing white nuzzle each other affectionately representing a happy couple after lesbian couples therapy san francisco

Daily Habit 3 For Lasting Love: Expressing Affection

Whether it's a hug, a kiss, or a loving touch, physical affection reinforces your emotional connection. Don't underestimate the power of a warm embrace. Physical touch is a powerful and essential element in nurturing thriving relationships. It transcends language and provides a unique channel of communication that words alone cannot match. A simple hug, a loving embrace, or even a reassuring touch on the shoulder can convey a depth of emotion and support that words often struggle to express.

Physical touch releases oxytocin, often dubbed the "love hormone." Oxytocin fosters feelings of connection, trust, and bonding. Moreover, it reduces stress and promotes emotional well-being for both partners. This makes it a vital means of maintaining intimacy and closeness in any relationship. Now, it doesn't need to be sexual. Sex is great, but not essential for a daily affection practice. Whether it's a small gesture or a more profound expression of affection, the significance of physical touch should never be underestimated.

Daily Habit 4 For Lasting Love: Active Listening

When your partner speaks, truly listen. Put away distractions, make eye contact, and show empathy. Let them know that you're there to support them. Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication in any relationship. To practice it, start by giving your partner your full attention. Put away distractions, make eye contact, and show genuine interest in what they're saying. Yep, that probably means setting your phone down or turning it off.

It's important to resist the urge to interrupt or offer immediate solutions. Instead, focus on understanding their perspective. Reflect back what you've heard to confirm your understanding and validate their feelings. Encourage them to express themselves fully and without judgment.

By demonstrating empathy and a willingness to hear your partner, you create a safe and supportive space for communication. Active listening is a simple yet impactful habit that can enhance trust, intimacy, and connection in your relationship.

Daily Habit 5 For Lasting Love: Quality Time

a young couple wearing neutral colors sits in camping chairs in front of a small unlit camping fire in a wooded area representing a couple who has learned to spend quality time together through couples therapy san francisco

Nothing beats dedicated, uninterrupted time together. This could be a daily conversation, a weekly date night, or a weekend getaway. Now, don't confuse this with unlimited time together. You don't actually need many hours to achieve this daily habit. Twenty minutes of undivided attention and intention can be better than hours in front of the TV together. The goal is to nurture your bond without external distractions.

Here are some ideas for quality time:

  1. Cook a New Recipe Together: Choose a dish neither of you has tried before, gather the ingredients, and cook it as a team. Experimenting in the kitchen can be a fun and collaborative way to bond while enjoying a delicious meal together.

  2. Take a Walk. Spend time outdoors by going for a nature walk or hike. Whether it's a local park, a nearby trail, or just your neighborhood, taking a walk together is a great time for conversation and relaxation.

  3. Plan a DIY Project. Collaborate on a do-it-yourself projec. Whether it's redecorating a room, building furniture, or creating personalized gifts, it can be fun to work together. Working on a shared project can be both rewarding and a great way to learn more about each other's skills and creativity.

  4. Have a Game Night. Dust off your board games, card games, or video games and have a game night at home. Playfully competing or cooperating in games can lead to laughter, friendly banter, and a sense of togetherness.

  5. Attend a Workshop or Class. Explore a shared interest or learn something new together by attending a workshop or class. This could be a cooking class, a dance lesson, an art workshop, or even a language class. It not only deepens your bond but also adds a sense of accomplishment as you acquire new skills.

  6. Have a Nightly Conversation Ritual. Ask each other the same set of questions each day. What was the high and low of your day? What do you wish had gone differently? Who do you wish you'd connected with? What was the funniest thing you saw? These types of questions can go a long way in building your Love Maps too.

Remember that the key to quality time is being fully present and engaged with each other. Choose activities that you both enjoy and that allow for meaningful conversation and connection. When time is scarce, opt for short, intense moments of quality time over none.

When To Seek Couples Therapy

Incorporating Gottman's Small Daily Habits into your relationship can bring about positive changes. These habits are accessible to everyone, whether you're married or not. Our team of couples therapists is here to support you on your journey. If you want to explore more insights on improving your relationship, feel free to browse our other blog posts. If you're looking for personalized guidance, don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation with our team. Strengthening your relationship is within your reach, one small daily habit at a time.


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