How EMDR Can Help You Heal From Sexual Trauma

a woman with her eyes closed and arms outstretched in front of a cloudy landscape representing healing and learning to trust after sexual assault or rape with emdr therapy san francisco

Sexual assault can shatter your sense of safety, leaving you with a tangle of emotions. You might feel fear, anger, shame, and even guilt. You might find yourself experiencing flashbacks, nightmares, or struggling with trust and intimacy. You might feel like part of you shut down or got blocked off. These reactions are normal responses to a traumatic event. EMDR therapy offers a path towards healing from sexual trauma.

Sexual trauma is incredibly common, yet it often feels as though you're the only one who experienced what you went through. That isolation makes the negative emotional impact even worse.

Every emotion you're experiencing - or not experiencing - in the wake of sexual assault is valid. It's okay to feel a complex mix of emotions, and it's okay to seek help when you're ready.

The Importance Of Timing When Seeking Support After Sexual Trauma

There is no rush to get help if you're not ready. It could be days, weeks, months, or years. What happened to you was a violation of your autonomy, and getting care shouldn't repeat that violation. If other people are pushing you to get support, they may not understand that you have to be in control of your recovery. Try to see their concern as an expression of love instead of pressure.

When you're ready, we're here to offer you a glimmer of hope and offer a powerful tool that can aid in your healing process: EMDR therapy.

The Gift of EMDR After Sexual Trauma

EMDR therapy is an evidence-based approach designed to help individuals process traumatic experiences and regain a sense of control over their lives. Here are some of the incredible benefits EMDR can offer you.

Sexual Trauma Therapy

EMDR helps you process the memories and emotions associated with the assault. If you experience flashbacks, panic attacks, or hypervigilance since your assault, you might see a big decrease. Your trauma will release its grip on your psyche. It might not be immediately obvious. We hear often that people aren't quite sure EMDR worked right after a session, but then are thrilled at the absence of unpleasant mental and emotional experiences in the following weeks.

Embodied Healing From Sexual Trauma

a candle on tray with coffee and a small statue of a woman's torso representing somatic healing from sexual trauma with emdr san francisco

Unlike other forms of trauma therapy, EMDR includes the body and physical sensations into treatment. This is important for people who have experienced a physical trauma like sexual assault. By helping you reconnect with your body in a structured and safe environment, you can experience deeper healing.

Emotional Regulation After Sexual Trauma

The preparation phase of EMDR equips you with valuable tools to manage overwhelming emotions. During the assessment and resourcing phases, you and your therapist create a safe space to explore your feelings. You also figure out strategies for self-soothing and calming yourself when emotions run high.

Read more about the 8 phases of EMDR here.

Restored Self-Esteem

Sexual assault can erode your self-worth. EMDR helps you rebuild your self-esteem and see the experience from a more objective viewpoint. For example, many people feel that their assault was somehow their fault, even if they logically know it wasn't. EMDR can help you transfer that logical knowing into a deeply felt certainty that you are not to blame. This fosters a sense of self-empowerment and self-compassion.

A Shift In Perspective Through EMDR

Our memories of trauma often feel trapped in our brains. It's like a horrible thing preserved in amber. If something happened when we were younger, when we think about it we often feel the age we were when it happened. Even if something happened recently, we might feel helpless and small like we did as a child when we remember it. EMDR can help bring a more balanced, objective, and self-compassionate adult perspective to thinking about your trauma.

Improved Relationships and Intimacy after Sexual Trauma

EMDR can help you trust people again. This is often difficult for survivors of sexual trauma. Sexual assault is a highly personal experience, and most people know the person who assaults them. This can disrupt relationships and shut down intimacy in a survivor. With good EMDR therapy, you can start to trust trustworthy people again. And yes, you can even reclaim, rebuild, or rebalance your sex life.

Growth From Pain: Resilience After Sexual Trauma

Let us be very clear: what happened to you will never be okay. We would never want you to think that it is, or that a treatment can convince you otherwise. But you can - and deserve to - feel good again even though it happened to you. Good EMDR can help you make that journey toward resilience.

Your Healing Journey: Sexual Trauma Therapy in California

Healing is a personal and nonlinear process. It's okay to take your time, and it's okay to seek help when you're ready. EMDR therapy, with its individualized approach, can be a powerful tool on your journey toward reclaiming your life. You are not alone, and there is hope for brighter days ahead.

If you're in California or Florida and considering EMDR therapy, reach out us. We're a group of trained and compassionate therapists who can guide you through this transformative process. Your healing is important, and your path to recovery is your own. You deserve every bit of support and care along the way.

Please note we are not a crisis center and cannot respond to urgent requests. If you or someone you love needs immediate support after a sexual assault, contact


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