Too Busy For Therapy? Think Again

Finding time for therapy might seem like a luxury you can't afford. But the truth is your mental health and happiness should be a top priority. An hour of therapy a week is 0.5% of your time. Research has proven over and over that for almost every issue, teletherapy is just as effective as in person. Yet people still have reservations. Let's explore them and determine if teletherapy is right for you.

Research On Teletherapy

You might be wondering, is teletherapy really as effective as in-person therapy? The answer is a resounding yes. Numerous studies have shown that teletherapy is just as effective as in person therapy for a wide range of mental health concerns.

Studies About The Effectiveness of Teletherapy

You can skip over this part if you trust us, but we work with a lot of smart people who want to see the data. So here it is:

A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders found that teletherapy produced significant improvements in symptoms and functioning, with no significant differences compared to in-person therapy (Barak et al., 2008).

Shim et al. (2020) conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of teletherapy for depression and anxiety. The study found that teletherapy interventions were associated with significant reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety, with effect sizes comparable to those of face-to-face therapy.

Simpson & Reid (2014) conducted a meta-analysis of 92 studies comparing the effectiveness of teletherapy to in-person therapy across various mental health conditions. The analysis found no significant differences in treatment outcomes between teletherapy and traditional therapy, supporting the efficacy of teletherapy as a viable treatment option.

Teletherapy Works, So Why Are People Hesitant?

Okay, so science says teletherapy definitely works. You can reap the benefits of therapy without the hassle of commuting or scheduling conflicts. You can see your therapist when you're out of town or sick. The benefits are clear. So why are people hesitant?

6 Reasons People Are Hesitant To Try Teletherapy

Perceived Lack of Personal Connection Through Teletherapy

Some people may feel that teletherapy lacks personal connection and rapport-building opportunities. They may worry they won't feel as understood or supported through virtual sessions. Our experience as teletherapists has proven quite the opposite. The relationships and connections we build online are just as powerful as they can be in person. We've seen profound transformation and healing happen via telehealth. In trauma therapy, we've even seen people make progress faster than in person because they're in the comfort of their home.

If you're unsure about forming a personal connection via teletherapy, remember that the goodness of fit with your therapist is vital. Seeing a just-okay therapist in person isn't likely to yield good results.

Bad Experience With A Therapy App

a notebook and phone behind held by someone in a bright pink shirt representing great teletherapy in florida or california

We're not gonna name names here, but there are some therapy apps out there that don't provide a high quality of service. They've even had some major lawsuits about user privacy that have us raising our eyebrows high. Frequent therapist turnover and burnout on therapy apps lead to low service quality. User frustration and lack of faith in online therapy overall ensue. Don't let your negative experiences with venture-capital-backed apps color your experience of teletherapy. There are some truly fabulous therapists out there working virtually and seeing great results.

Privacy Concerns With Teletherapy

Some people worry about the confidentiality and privacy of their teletherapy sessions. especially if they live with others or share devices. This makes sense. Certain therapy apps have contributed to this problem by violating customer privacy, which is one reason we don't recommend them.

If your therapist is using a HIPAA-compliant platform and there are no smart devices in the room, such as Amazon Alexa, you can rest assured your privacy is secured. Because links are most often shared via email or text message, ensuring your email and text are private is most important.

Therapists cannot share information about your sessions outside of professional consultation and specific legally defined situations where they are obligated to break confidentiality. If you have questions about those scenarios, ask your therapist.

Tech Challenges With Teletherapy

Fear of technical difficulties may deter people from trying teletherapy. Concerns about internet connection issues or navigating the teletherapy platform may also contribute to hesitancy. And we get it! Those can be a bummer. But remember that with in-person session there are similar variables: traffic, weather, and illness.

Skepticism About Teletherapy

Despite the increasing acceptance of teletherapy, there still exists a stigma surrounding online mental health services. Some people may feel skeptical about the effectiveness of teletherapy or fear being judged for seeking help in this format. They may feel it's not "real" therapy or that it's a watered down version. But ask anyone whose done online EMDR therapy: it's not watered down at all!

Preference for In-Person Therapy

Some people simply prefer in-person therapy. They may value the presence of a therapist in the same physical space and feel more comfortable with traditional therapeutic settings. These concerns are understandable, and if it truly matters to you, seek in person therapy. But know you're not necessarily getting higher quality care.

a woman waving at her laptop representing how it's easy to build a great relationship with a therapist through teletherapy in california or florida

The Convenience of Teletherapy

Gone are the days of rushing to make it to an in-person therapy session on time. With teletherapy, you have the flexibility to attend sessions from the comfort of your own home or any location with an internet connection. This means no more battling traffic or scrambling to find parking – just log in and get started.

Access to Specialized Care

Living in a remote area or struggling to find a therapist who specializes in your specific needs can be a major barrier to receiving good care. Teletherapy breaks down these barriers by connecting you with a diverse network of therapists, regardless of your location. Whether you're seeking support for anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, or something very specific like working with a lesbian therapist, there's someone out there who can help. They just might not be near you.

Saving Time, Offsetting Stress Through Teletherapy

Time is our most precious resource, and teletherapy helps you make the most of it. By eliminating travel, teletherapy saves you time that can be better spent on self-care, work, or relationships. The convenience of online scheduling and virtual appointments remove the stress of coordinating your therapy sessions with your schedule.

Making Teletherapy Work for You

Here are some tips for maximizing the effectiveness of teletherapy:

Choose Your Teletherapy Space Wisely

Create a dedicated space for your teletherapy sessions, free from distractions and interruptions. It's best if you can make this somewhere different than your home workspace.

Establish Pre-and-Post Teletherapy Session Rituals

Create rituals to transition into and out of your teletherapy sessions, such as going for a walk or practicing deep breathing exercises. Even two minutes can greatly enhance the work you and your therapist do together.

Ensure Privacy

Find a private location where you can speak freely without fear of being overheard or interrupted. We've had plenty of clients do therapy in their car parked in their driveway.

Minimize Distractions

We know you already know this, but we hear a lot of Slack notifications during teletherapy sessions. Turn off notifications during your session to fully engage with the therapeutic process.

Optimize Your Technology for Teletherapy

Ensure a smooth and uninterrupted session by optimizing your internet connection and minimizing background programs.

Provide Feedback

Don't hesitate to communicate with your therapist about your experience with teletherapy and any adjustments that may be needed.

Teletherapy for Millennials and Couples in California & Florida

Teletherapy offers an effective solution for busy people seeking support for their mental health. With teletherapy, you can access specialized care, save time and stress, and experience the same benefits as traditional therapy – all from the comfort of home.

Our team of experienced therapists is here to support you. Schedule a no-pressure consultation with one of our therapists today and take the first step towards a calmer tomorrow.


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