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Anxiety in Teenagers: 11 Subtle Signs to Watch For
Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese

Anxiety in Teenagers: 11 Subtle Signs to Watch For

Getting through adolescence is hard. As teenagers take on the important task of self-discovery, they meet challenges that can trigger lots of anxiety. Identifying anxiety in teenagers can be tricky for parents because it often looks different than anxiety in adults. You also can't always rely on your teen because teens often don't know what they're feeling is anxiety. By paying attention to changes in behavior and mood, parents and caregivers can offer support and intervention. Here are common subtle indicators that may signal anxiety in the teenagers.

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6 Reasons Teens Seek Support And How Therapy For Teenagers Can Help
Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese

6 Reasons Teens Seek Support And How Therapy For Teenagers Can Help

Everyone goes through adolescence, but not everyone sails through smoothly. Teenagers often find themselves facing challenges that can be overwhelming. For those of us who have already been through it, it can be difficult to recall how hard it actually was. Here are the six most common reasons teenagers seek therapy and how therapy can change teens’ life for the better.

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Anxiety in Teenagers: Why Teens Are So Anxious And How To Help
Anxiety, Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese Anxiety, Teens Laurel Roberts-Meese

Anxiety in Teenagers: Why Teens Are So Anxious And How To Help

The teenage years can be a rollercoaster ride for everyone. Teens, siblings, parents, and educators are all along for the ride. Teens experience many challenges and changes for the. first time, and anxiety is often a prominent companion during this phase of life. In this guide, we'll explore how anxiety affects teenagers and provide practical advice to help them and their loved ones understand and manage this common struggle

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Why Teens Talking About Mental Health on TikTok is a Good Thing
Teens, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese Teens, Communication Laurel Roberts-Meese

Why Teens Talking About Mental Health on TikTok is a Good Thing

These days, teens can tap on an app, swipe through a few videos, and find an almost endless source of support regarding mental health topics. While parents may be apprehensive about teen social media use, the ability for teenagers to connect with others about their mental health can actually be a good thing if approached with the right mindset.

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Our Teletherapy Services In California & Florida

We offer individualized teletherapy for a wide range of mental health and relational issues. Our San Francisco & Los Angeles teletherapists can help with anxiety, trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, LGBT issues, holistic therapy, enneagram therapy, therapy for lawyers, couples therapy, and therapy for teenagers. We serve many people in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles, as well as throughout California and Florida. Our team is anti-racist, body positive, LGBT and trans affirming and sex positive. You deserve to feel good!